VAST | Tel: 01782 683030 | [email protected]

Posted on behalf of Stoke-on-Trent City Council:

Stoke-on-Trent City Council would like to invite you to the Carers Partnership Board Workshops which will take place virtually on the 10th February 2022 via Teams.

The Carers Partnership Board will oversee the delivery and monitor the outcomes of the five key priorities set out within the Stoke-on-Trent Joint All Age Carers Strategy.

The purpose of the Carers Partnership Board Workshop is to provide carers with an overview and understanding of our new Carers Partnership Board, and to explain how carers have the opportunity to be involved in the Carers Partnership Board, or one of the many sub-groups that will sit beneath the main board.

This is an opportunity for young and adult carers to have a voice and to be involved in the developing and the delivery of the priorities for carers in Stoke-on-Trent.

We would like to invite young and adult carers to express their interest in being involved with the Carers Partnership Board, as a board member, part of the task and finish groups or carer forums that will be set up to deliver on each of the five key priorities outlined in the Carers Strategy.

Carers will still have the opportunity to be involved even if they do not wish to be included in the Carers Partnership Board, or sub-groups, as we will be working closely with North Staffs Carers, partners, and carer representative groups to ensure our carers have a voice.

We are inviting anyone who is interested in being part of this work to meet with Clare Hattersley, Senior Commissioning Officer who can share more information and answer any queries.

The workshops will be held on:
Date: Thursday 10th February 2022
Time: Session one: 10:30 am -11:30 am. Click here to join the meeting
           Session two: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm. Click here to join the meeting


Tuesday 15th February at 10:30 am. Click here to join the meeting

Venue: Virtual via Teams

Please could you could confirm if you will be attending the am or pm session via email:
FAO Kirsty Davies to [email protected]

The Stoke-on-Trent joint carers strategy 2021-25 is available here.

Many Thanks
Clare Hattersley | Senior Commissioning Officer
Integrated Commissioning
Adult Social Care, Health Integration and Wellbeing


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