Help shape support for carers in Staffordshire 

People in Staffordshire are being invited to have their say on how unpaid carers should be supported over the next five years.

Thousands of people in Staffordshire support a loved or friend with their day-to- day care and support needs. Being a carer can be a rewarding experience – but everyone needs help sometimes. Many carers get that help from their family, friends or community network, whilst others need extra help and turn to the county council or the NHS and the organisations they commission. 

The county council and the Integrated Care Board are currently developing a five-year plan on how carers will be supported, and are encouraging adult carers to fill in a survey to shape that plan.

You’re an unpaid carer if you:

  • provide care and support to someone who due to illness, disability or health conditions could not manage without your support
  • provide continuous care or shorter and more ad-hoc care.


We want to hear about:

  • what you need to keep caring while staying healthy and happy
  • what will help you to lead a more independent life outside your caring responsibilities
  • your thoughts on our draft priorities for the strategy.

The strategy will then be finalised later in the year.



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