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In order to ensure robust delivery of the Stoke-on-Trent Joint All Age Carers Strategy 2021-25, the Carers Partnership Board has been developed and will oversee the delivery of the priorities identified and set out within the strategy.

The Carers Partnership Board has been established to oversee the development, implementation and fulfilment of a delivery plan for the five key priorities outlined in the Stoke-on-Trent Joint All Age Carers Strategy 2021-25.

The Board will establish five Task and Finish Groups for each of the key priorities, monitor the progress and effectiveness of each Task and Finish group, and review the impact and outcome of all actions that are implemented.

The Carers Partnerships Board will work with health colleagues and partners to recognise the NHS long-term plan and their commitment to carers, and ensure that all partners recognise and work in line with national and local legislation and guidelines for unpaid, informal carers.


To join the Stoke-on-Trent Carers Partnership Board, please complete this Expression of Interest form and send to [email protected] by 18th February 2022 with the subject line “Expression of Interest”.


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