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Joint National Conference NNPCF/Contact

We are pleased to announce that part 2 of our annual joint conference is taking place virtually on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th March 2022.  We wanted to give you plenty of notice so that you can save the dates and spread the word amongst your members!

We will send out full details of the individual sessions once they are confirmed, but we are hoping to include:

All sessions will take place online via Zoom.  Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any accessibility requirements or requests for reasonable adjustments so that we have time to make arrangements for you.  Call or email Helen Reid on 07738 895007, [email protected] if you would like to discuss.

Booking details will be added to the learning and events for the forums page of our website soon.

Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit

Our brand new Diversity Toolkit for Parent Carer Forums launched yesterday! Click here to download it.

Community Matters

You can sign up for your complimentary subscription to Community Matters Advice and Information service by emailing Heather via [email protected] and an advisor will be pleased to help.  They can provide email support on a range of Governance issues and paying people; and have a resource bank of templates, policies and procedures you can adapt. Visit their website here.

Forum Assistance Programme

The Forum Assistance Programme includes counselling for forum SG members and Reps. This information has been sent to all central Forum contacts and there are 8 free spaces per Forum. Also available are:

For Forums


March 9th- Employment Conference

We recently asked people who have previously attended our regional events what topics they would like covered at our last employment conference of this contract and in response to the top 4 topics selected, we are aiming to cover ways to embed employment into the curriculum, supported internships, Inclusive apprenticeships, developing ideas to support young people with high support needs into work. We will be hearing from schools, colleges, local authorities and an employer.

The event is online and free to join. It is likely to be of interest to anyone supporting young people with SEND into paid work.

To sign up please click here.

March 11th- Preparing for Adulthood Celebration Event

The Preparing for Adulthood is planning to hold a celebration event to mark the end of our current contract with the Department for Education. It is an opportunity for us to showcase not only what we have done but also to celebrate some of the fantastic things that are going on around the country to support young people with additional needs to have a good life.  The event will take place from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm on 11th March.

We aim to:

Further details about the day will be available later.

To book your place now, please click here.

Health Updates

Here is the link to Contact’s Health updates Health news & updates | Contact

Amanda Elliot is the Strategic Health Lead she is always happy to hear from forums or regions regarding health issues, particularly any issues related to covid vaccinations and annual health checks. [email protected]

Contact/NNPCF newsletter sign-up

Sign up here.



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