SEND Review Green Paper ‘Right Support, Right Place, Right Time’

The Green Paper is available in full here, with summary notes here. The DfE is seeking views on the green paper about the changes they want to make to the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) system in England, which will now close on 22nd July.

You can complete the NNPCF survey to inform our response here.

Independent Social Care Review

The Review Report has been published and can be accessed here.

Health & Care Act 2022

Health & Care Act 2022 places ICS on statutory footing from 01/07/2022. See more here.

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguard

The Government is seeking views on proposed changes to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice and the implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguard.  Closes 07/07/2022. You can access it here.

Down Syndrome Act

The Down Syndrome Bill completed its journey through the Houses of Parliament earlier this month and received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022.  We now await the statutory guidance.

Reviews of education, health and care (EHC) proposed timescales

The DfE is seeking views on the deadline for a local authority to issue proposals to amend an education, health, and care plan following a review.

Implementing the direct national funding formula

The DfE is seeking views on our approach to implementing the direct national funding formula (NFF) for mainstream schools.

New Local Area SEND Inspection framework

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission are consulting on proposed changes to the way they jointly inspect area SEND arrangements from 2023.

Mental health and wellbeing plan: discussion paper and call for evidence

The government has committed to develop a new cross-government, 10-year plan for mental health and wellbeing for England.

Children’s Commissioner’s report

Children’s Commissioner’s report has been published which focuses on the importance of school attendance.

DfE SEND Data 2020/21

SEND Data 2020/21 academic year has been published by the Department for Education. You can read it here.



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