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Information from Stoke-on-Trent City Council for parents, carers, children, young people, SENCO’s, teachers, and practitioners:

Some of you may be aware that we are currently redeveloping our Local Offer website which can be found at Stoke SEN and Disability-Local Offer. The website currently sits on an external platform but we are working hard to bring it ‘in-house’ onto a Council site before the end of May. Having the Local Offer on an internal platform means we can have more control when developing the website in the future, updates can be done in a more timely manner and there will be overall more flexibility. The Local Offer website is designed to be that ‘one stop shop’ that anyone can visit to find out what provision is available in the local area, how to get advice, support, things explained and a lot more!

May 2023 will be the ‘soft launch’ of our new Local Offer website, however following this date we would
encourage stakeholders to get involved in building on what we have to make it the very best Local Offer website for Stoke-on-Trent!
Further comms will be sent out in May with details of the new website address, however if you do have any questions or queries before then please do not hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to: [email protected] or to the Local Offer project lead Alice Okuyiga at [email protected]

You can see an easy-read version of this information here.


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